
Macintosh System 2 looks a bit like Macintosh System 1 and Macintosh System 3 in terms of eye color and hair color. System 2 wears a light grey (#acb0b3) t-shirt with two pockets, black (#1f1f1f) pants, a white belt in the style of the bar for open windows, a dark grey (#1f1f1f) bowtie with white dots and a black (#1f1f1f) Apple logo on it, black (#1f1f1f) shoes and short black hair

Compared to Prima and Saburo Fuji is more shy and awkward although he does have his own qualities such as being faster, making lists and new folders, could sleep properly unlike Prima and has a turret as his weapon. Despite these he still manages to end up as being one of the lesser known between the three of them.

Oh, and he likes to test things for his friends and diagnosing issues.

Family and Relationships

Macintosh System 1 & 3

Fuji is part of the triplets with Prima who is more energetic and Saburo who is sometimes more formal compared to Fuji who is passive so he is prone to being dragged into Prima's schemes, but Fuji is always willing to help out, even if he doesn't always understand what he's getting into.

Apple Lisa & XENIX

The son of Lisa-tan, the two of them get along but the developers attempted to convince him that he and his sister were much better than their own mother. The developers felt that Fuji and his sister were a better representation of the future of computing, trying to distance them from Lisa's legacy. Since Lisa was friends with XENIX-tan he got to meet her too.

Windows 1.0

He and Wilma never got along at first as Wilma could not compete with Prima and Fuji. However they became friendly to each other after Fuji defended her from Prima's rudeness towards her as Prima felt that Wilma was a threat to her faction, and she was not afraid to show it. Fuji was appalled by Prima's behavior towards her. Fuji's defense of Wilma made her realise that he was not the arrogant and dismissive person she thought he was. She began to see him as a kind and supportive friend, and they started to get along better.


Fuji and Xerox Alto-kun have a complicated relationship. Alto is the father of System 2, but he left Lisa when System 2 and System 1 were young. As a result, System 2 doesn't know much about him and hardly ever sees him. The only time System 2 got to know his father was when Alto tried to sue Lisa for custody of System 2 and his sister. In the end, Lisa won custody, and Alto was ordered to pay child support.


Fuji wields a turret styled after the trash can in the classic mac versions. The turret not only shoots floppy disks but a large laser beam that has to be recharged.

References and sources

  • Wikipedia entry on Classic Mac OS with System 2.
  • Fuji wielding a turret is a reference to how prior to System 2, you had to use the disk eject command to eject a floppy. System 2 let users eject disks by dragging them to the trash for the first time. The turret firing a large laser beam is a reference to the LaserWriter that was introduced.
  • Him being able to sleep unlike Prima is because System 2 had a shutdown command. It was not part of the original Macintosh system software (System 1) but it quickly debuted in System 2.
  • Fuji and Wilma being able to get along is only because they were both released in 1985.
  • Fuji being good at testing things for his friends and diagnosing issues is a reference to how even though System Software 2.1 was the second release to System Software 2, it was used more for testing HD 20's and diagnostics. This version was created specifically to support the Hard Disk 20. It did also have the Hierarchical File System but only in the RAM, not on the system ROM. This meant that to boot a Macintosh 512k computer off a Hard Disk 20 drive, you had to first insert a System 2.1 boot floppy which would load HFS into RAM, then switch to the HFS-formatted Hard Disk 20 to load its copy of System 2.1, ejecting the original boot floppy.
  • Fuji is logically a genderbent version of OS-tan Collection's System 2-tan but expanded on as they were a plain character...