
Threshold has short brown (#a56a5a) hair and grey (#919191) eyes. Her attire is a navy (#353d88) and light blue (#75a1ea) prototype Spartan suit with black (#2b2b2b) bits, elf ears, fangs, and a grey (#2b2b2b) tail with a fluffy tip. She is known as a devoted Halo fan, often seen discussing its lore and gameplay strategies with Kiah. The Window Order's higherups saw Threshold as the last version of the Windows faction, so they made the drastic decision to remove most of her reproductive organs.

Threshold started out as an experiment between Sam and Micron to see if Sam could be cloned but have his DNA spliced and remade with some alien DNA from Micron fused onto one. The experiment itself was successful although neither of them expected a female to be part of the outcome because both of them were males.

She had a lot more resemblance to Sam but immediately showed increased power in 3D generation but wasn't very good with handling every member's "safe mode" and reporting things properly to both her mentors and the higher ups at first. She preferred to mismatch coloured things despite being told to follow orders. It seems during her time as a beta she had frequent bugs and quirks that caused her to lose her eyesight at one point, crashing when she went to sleep and locking herself out of The Windows Order's headquarters when she made her debut.

Despite rumors about her exiling the older members who were outdated, this was never true at all. Not all of the members saw eye-to-eye with Decima and some of the older members of The Windows Order felt overshadowed and did not like the higher-ups' methods of promoting her by using adware-like tactics. This unintentional division created tension within The Windows Order so some of the older members left on their own accord.

Although all of Threshold's efforts came crashing down in 2021 with Valsun's debut, the two of them did not get along well at first due to Valsun's strict standards, shutting down things she created and shoving AI propaganda down everyone's throats... which turned out to be not exactly true at all but rather Threshold falling for the same stuff others once did when it was said that she was evil.

Family and Relationships

Windows 8

Tylan and Micron are the reason why she exists in the first place since she is a clone of combined DNA of them. She doesn't speak much to Micron but does talk to Tylan sometimes.

Windows 7

Threshold used to be snarky towards Septimus as he had a decent following many years after she made her debut, but grew to understand the fact she can't be the most popular OS of them all. After Valsun made his debut she went to him for moral support besides Kiah.

Windows 11

Threshold once used to feel resentment towards Valsun, perceiving him as usurping her place within The Windows Order and a direct challenge to her own legacy and feeling threatened by the potential overshadowing herself by Valsun and his departure from the familiar and established of Windows itself. She used to question his legitimacy in the hierarchy of The Windows Order as it was claimed that he tore down a lot of her hard built things she did by herself, only for this to not be the case and instead it being Endékatoi that came after him such as 23HX and 24HX.

The two of them ended up coming to agreement with some things, realising that they suffered the same fate with people framing them as evil masterminds.


Threshold is better at FPSes and is skilled with using guns.


  • In Threshold's original portrayal from 2019 in Tabula Rasa, she was seen as "evil" and intentionally drove away the older Windows characters by doing purges:
    “Over the course of 2015 and into 2016, Threshold-tan, the first of the Windows 10-tans, drove away the Windows-tans whose support had lapsed, making it the largest faction purge in history.” — Tabula Rasa, 2019
  • When Threshold was being created, it was decided that since Windows 10 was thought to be the last version that each main update for Windows 10 would be a separate character, hence Windows 10 Threshold being a separate character.

References and sources

  • Wikipedia entry on Windows 10.
  • Threshold's training being a mess and a wreck is a reference to a few beta builds of Windows 10. build 9785 had problems with safe mode and the taskbar preview borders do not change color even after the wallpaper changes, build 9833 also has this window thumbnail border color error. build 9834 had problems with display drivers with NVIDIA drivers on the x64 version of this build breaking DWM, resulting in a black screen, build 9883 had a chance of crashing when trying to shut down and build 10240 (th1) which is the official RTM build of the original release of Windows 10 had a login screen lockout bug. You could restore the Windows 8.1 login screen however it has a bug that causes the user to get locked out if the computer is locked and there isn't more than one user account, requiring the user to restart the computer to fix it.
  • Threshold having more resemblance to my Windows 8/8.1 character is a reference to how a lot of early builds such as build 9780 share the same kernel number as 8.1. The about dialog in the beta builds is the same style and colour as the Windows 8/8.1 one until build 10176 where the "Windows 10" name came about.
  • Threshold being a gaming fan and a fan of Halo is because of one thing: The codename Threshold, for those wondering, derives from the planet around which the first halo ring orbited in the original Halo game launched back in 2001. Threshold joins "Cortana," Microsoft's answer to Siri, as yet another codename with its origins in the Xbox franchise.
  • Threshold having some of her reproductive organs removed is a reference to how Windows 10 was said to be the last version of Windows, but we all know what happened then...