
Endékatos Valsun has white (#f2f2f2) short hair with subtle streaks of light blue, deep purple (#804c9f) eyes, and an aura that shimmers faintly like a holographic glow. He wears a sleek pastel periwinkle to cerulean blue (#7994cb to #4fa1db) suit with a layered look, featuring intricate white silver (#eeeeee) flowing patterns along the seams. He also has light blue (#94b8d2) translucent wings.

Originally intended to be a Decima that would have been part of Threshold's species only, Endékatos Valsun found himself in a difficult situation when the project responsible for his creation was abruptly canceled in 2021. This resulted in his decline and fate of becoming an unreleased member of TWO similar to Neptune and Odyssey which would have led to his obscurity and irrelevance. The cancellation raised the possibility that Valsun may suffer the same fate as Neptune and Odyssey, becoming members lost to The Windows Order's archives. He had to take immediate action to keep himself from becoming an unreleased member, which was a very real threat.

Valsun took advantage of this moment to flesh out a whole new idea to replace the aging Decimas. In addition to keeping him from possible obscurity, his determination and excellent intelligence placed him in the center of The Windows Order. His strategic vision and relentless motivation caught the attention of the top ranks of The Windows Order when he presented his plan for Windows 11. The higher-ups saw Windows 11's potential as a game-changer for the faction as well as a worthy replacement to Windows 10X. Valsun's approach was embraced by the higher-ups who understood that Windows 10 getting older.

Valsun’s strict security methods are often seen as overly confident and his fixation on the latest hardware can come off as a bit elitist. He tends to dismiss alternatives, convinced that only his approach is foolproof which sometimes creates a divide between those who can afford top-tier technology and those who cannot. While his uncompromising standards might be interpreted as an air of superiority, it is more like a case of him rushing into extreme measures without fully weighing all the options.

Despite thinking he is better than the older members of TWO, he does have some hidden appreciation for the older Windows characters and isn't all that evil as others framed him as... only to have a bit of a high ego

Valsun doesn't adhere to human gender norms either. For him, masculinity is simply the most logical way to project strength as it's not an instinct. When people label him "Femsun" he defends himself not because he understands the term, but because it makes no sense in his brain. He can't understand why humans see him as feminine and that only adds to his frustration.

Family and Relationships

The Decimaes

Valsun once had strong disapproval toward Threshold and the Decimaes, viewing them as resistant to progress and trapped by outdated ideals. His perceived superiority over their rigid ways fueled a lingering disdain particularly toward Threshold.

Over time he came to realise he shared a similar fate with Threshold: both used as pawns by higher powers and vilified. This bridged the gap between them, though Threshold still has greater strength than Valsun with their armies.

References and sources