
Windows 1.0-tan is a kind and gentle OS-tan that wears a bright and colourful attire that consists of a neon green (#4df878) Windbreaker jacket with a horizontal stripe across the chest that fades from red (#ff5555) to blue (#55ffff), baggy white (#ffffff) pants with a geometric print that are in the colours of red (#ff5555), green (#4df878), yellow (#ffff55), and gray (#888888) and white (#ffffff) sneakers with dark blue (#0000a9) accents. She also has a scarf that is mainly black (#231f20) with light blue (#96c4eb) at the end that is mostly worn wrapped around the neck with the coloured end hanging down to be visible and medium-length Beau Blue hair with voluminous, soft waves.

She is the founder of The Windows Order and has two children that represent Windows 2.X and Windows 3.X.

Though she has seen many changes and technological advancements over the years, Wilma remains cheerful despite being seen as vaporwave way before she even made her debut. In her spare time Wilma enjoys playing Reversi but also sometimes takes her time arranging things side by side unlike stacking them.

Before Wilma even made her debut as Windows 1.0-tan, the higher ups of DOS Elite along with XENIX-tan and MS-DOS-kun went to an event that had new and old OS-tans alike showcasing things and giving presentations. While they were there, Visi On-kun caught their eye with his presentation. Intrigued by Visi On-kun’s presentation the higher-ups, XENIX-tan, and MS-DOS-kun decided that The Windows Order needed a suitable competitor to rival to compete against Visi On. Learning about The Infinite Loop's Macintosh System 1-tan only fueled the need for a competitor.

They found a willing volunteer named Wilma within the territory for the DOS Elite who accepted to become Windows 1.0. Her abilities were limited, more like MS-DOS-kun's instead of an actual OS, very unstable (most likely caused by her sort of being a human prior to this) and sometimes sleeping when she was meant to be training. Her attire was more plain too, being mostly blacks, whites and greys similar to MS-DOS-kun's outfit.

It wasn't until she made her full debut that she got her new and flashy attire.

Family and Relationships


Windows 1.0-tan has a close relationship with MS-DOS-kun since he helped her a lot with her debut and was often with her in case something went wrong, although sometimes even he causes her to crash at times, mostly accidental that is

Windows 2.X-kun

Windows 2.X was her first child and safe to say... a bit of a rebel as he got into trouble by the Infinite Loop's higher ups in 1988. Why? Because he "borrowed" something of theirs to be much cooler than his mom. Not that she approved of his reckless behaviour.

Windows 3.X-kun

Windows 3.X is her other son but often got worried about him due to the OS wars that were happening between The Windows Order and The Infinite Loop although she does enjoy his multimedia capabilities... and his hot dog stand.

Macintosh System 1-tan

At first Wilma felt uneasy about Macintosh System 1-tan, seeing her as a potential rival to her own capabilities as Wilma at the time was new to this whole faction stuff, but she may have expressed her concerns a little too open. However, her perspective began to change when she had a heartfelt conversation with her brother, Fuji McIntosh when Fuji intervened when Prima was being a jerk to Wilma.

Macintosh System 2-kun

Noting that Windows 1.0 was released the same year as Macintosh System 2, Wilma and Fuji never got along at first as Windows 1.0 could not compete with Apple's OS. They became friendly to each other after Fuji defended her from Prima's rudeness towards her as Prima felt that Windows 1.0 was a threat to the Macintosh, and she was not afraid to show it. Fuji was appalled by Prima's behaviour towards her.

References and sources