Yggdrasil Linux-tan is depicted as a wise and intelligent woman wearing a green (#326043) hangerock worn over a long-sleeved underdress. The underdress is light blue (#84bbd5) with red cuffs (#c26174) and a grey neckline (#d2d2d2) which is adorned with ornate embroidery of intricate Nordic patterns in pink (#fcc6cf) with a pair of reddish taupe grey (#894858) brooches at the shoulders, and a braided belt securing the waist in the colours of green (#03a985), orange (#c1582b), and yellow (#dbcb42) along with ahalf-up, half-down with intricate braiding Pigeon Post hairstyle. The belt's ends are tasseled, hanging down at the front.
Yggdrasil-tan's former attire was an early medieval-style outfit; a simple reddish brown tunic (#280c0b) with white sleeves (#f5f5f5), white leggings (#f5f5f5), brown (#402625) boots and gloves (#402625) and a Viking helmet with gnu horns.
She was around the 3rd one to be initiated by The Kernel in 1992 however unlike MCC Interim and TAMU who came before her, she tried to be able to work with everyone without issues, attempted to bring people together, wrote books and even made VHS tapes with her instructing humans how to install Red Hat, Slackware and Yggdrasil itself (although the tapes were sadly lost to time).
Although her last release was around fall 1995 she continued to be active to sell Linux Internet Archives disks which led to her meeting and becoming friends with MCC Interim Linux-tan, Jurix-kun, Xdenu-tan, Mini-Linux-tan and SLS-kun although sometimes she would compare herself to them.
She is also an advocate for the old web and free software, even going to the lengths to say "Free software for the rest of us".
Around before she disappeared in the 2000s around March, she even went to the lengths to set up an experimental repository for humans for other things besides for what she had only.
It wasn't until around the 2020s when she was found again by several vintage OSes and computers. After being found she tried to go back to what she once called home, only to find out it had become a gambling building, as much to her dismay.
Oh, and she hates it when you say Yggdrasil as in the tree of life and not the other way to pronounce it...
MCC Interim Linux-tan, Jurix-kun, Xdenu-tan and SLS-kun
The main friends of Yggdrasil-tan, they assisted in her running her store as they come from different backgrounds and have different strengths. Yggdrasil-tan is grateful for their help in running her store, and she knows that she can always count on them for support.
They first met in 1996 when Debian-tan visited Yggdrasil's store. Debian-tan was not impressed with the versions of Debian that Yggdrasil was selling as they were corrupt, annoyed at Yggdrasil for selling faulty copies of her work. Despite Yggdrasil fixing them, whenever Debian forgave her is up to debate.
They never really interacted besides when Yggdrasil was attempting to promote freeware software.
Yggdrasil Linux-tan is highly versatile and adaptable to various environments. This flexibility can be compared to a warrior's ability to adapt to different battle scenarios and employ various tactics however she is not used to more modern hardware.
References and sources
- Her attire is a mixture of the GUI and this Twitter post.
- Her writing books is a reference to how Yggdrasil Incorporated, the company that made the OS, published some of the early Linux compilation books such as The Linux Bible: The GNU Testament. Yggdrasil Incorporated also goes by Yggdrasil Computing.
- The idea of her recording herself and teaching humans how to install Linux is a reference to how Yggdrasil Computing shipped the world's first video seminar on installing Linux called "Linux Installation and Beyond.". At the time of when this entry was added I origianlly could not find a link to the VHS recording until September 13th, 2025, when I was researching the manual that came with Yggdrasil. One of the research results was the Youtube video of it was uploaded a month eariler, so its safe to say her recordings were found.
- Her meeting various other distros is a reference to the Linux Internet Archives which are CDs from Yggdrasil Incorporated that have source code from various sites.
- The reason for her sometimes comparing herself to her friends is because Yggdrasil made comparisons between their products and competitors. More about that can be found here.
- The advocacy for the old web is a reference to how the W3C approved Yggdrasil to coordinate future development of Arena, one of the first web browsers for Unix and was used by the World Wide Web Consortium for testing the implementations for HTML version 3.0, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), Portable Network Graphics (PNG), and libwww. Arena was widely used and popular at the beginning of the World Wide Web. Meanwhile the advocacy for free software comes from the fact the main site for Yggdrasil links to Prime Time Freeware, a site server is devoted to the development, dissemination, and use of free software. This is also how she met MkLinux-tan.
- Her saying "Free software for the rest of us" is a direct quote on the site for Yggdrasil.
- The experimental repository reference to the actual Yggdrasil Computing's "Ground Zero" FTP repository home page. Similar to the VHS situation this stuff may be lost but is most likely on the Internet Archive somewhere.
- Yggdrasil is not pronounced as you would expect it to be. The Y in Yggdrasil is pronounced like a short i. All the vowels are short and the g's are hard. Yggdrasil is pronounced "Ig dra sil," and rhymes with "Clearasil." the LGX in the shorten named for Yggdrasil Linux/GNU/X stands for Linux, GNU, X Windows.
- Debian-tan being annoyed at faulty copies of her OS being sold is a reference to how CD#1 of Linux Internet Archives had corrupt Debian files so they had to send out replacement CDs.
- The former attire is a reference to how this is simply an improved version of an already existing Yggdrasil Linux-tan which was only created from a non-coloured screenshot and had a lack of research. This prompted me at the time (2020s) to try and gather more better research along with emulate it in colour which was a success in 2021, although there may have been people who emulated it way earlier than I did.
- Yggdrasil and her friends getting attacked is a reference to the Halloween documents as Microsoft published documents about competing against Linux in the very late 90s to the early 2000s. Microsoft acknowledged in some ways Linux was superior to Windows but devised strategies to try to discredit Linux. While this didn't happen during 1995 when the CDs were first sold, the site for Yggdrasil was still up until 2005 and the last Halloween document is from 2004. Yggdrasil was still technically selling stuff during this time, even making the world's first Linux DVD9-ROM with 8GB of open source software in 2000.