
So, what is this page?

What you are looking at right now is my blog for the site. It is different from the updates on the main page. As you can tell, the full name for the blog is /var/log. Why did I pick that? Because I am a nerd. You can just call this site logs if you don't want to use /var/log. At the top of the navigation bar, you can go back to the main site and look at all the blog posts on this site. The updates area on the side may be replaced with something else, but I am not sure yet. Have fun reading my thoughts, I suppose.

Webmaster, the updates for your site aren't showing!

I guess you can say this is common with my site as it is hosted on GitHub Pages.

First, you should refresh the page with Ctrl + R if you are on Windows or Command + R if you are using a Mac. F5 usually works too.

If the first thing doesn't work for you, you should clear your browser's cache. GitHub uses CDN caching for pages, so there is a small delay for changes to be reflected on the actual page. If you don't know how to clear your browser's cache, check this site out (or you can look it up on a search engine if your browser isn't listed there and uses a different method).

If those two steps do not work, you should check if I updated my site. You can see if I have by looking at the source for the site itself or here.