Bisukei is the eldest of the Vista siblings and the older brother of Shinzō, Vistake, and Visbou. He is portrayed as a ninja who often trains by sleeping and waking up on the ceiling of the OS house. Bisukei is fiercely protective of his sister Vistake and shows no mercy to those who make her cry.
Bisukei is depicted in a black and red ninja outfit. His shadow is often faint, and he blends into group paintings, making it hard to notice him unless sought out.
Notes and Trivia
- Known for his ninja-like stealth and protective nature towards Vistake.
- His name would be written as "Viskei" in English while in Japanese it is written as "Bisukei". The "V" sound is often approximated with a "B" sound in Japanese, which is why you see ビ (bi) used in their names, so most other English based wikis translate only the "bi" part to "vi". Originally, Japanese had no ヴ character so they used variations of ビ (bi). You can still pronounce it as "Vi", but other Japanese wikis tend to use "Bi" instead.
- Referred to as Visbou-kun on some sites due to lesser recognition.