Sinco's OS-tan Wiki


+Nijiura+, another Japanese imageboard, has also embraced the popularity of OS-tans much like Futaba. It’s important not to confuse this site with the Nijiura board on Futaba as they are not the same. Despite being a standalone site, it appears to have some connection to the Futaba Channel as the earliest archive of Nijiura includes a section titled “Futaba☆channel”. This suggests that Nijiura may have been established as a separate site for specific purposes.

Nijiura has taken a unique approach to the Mac OS X line, creating individual characters for each new release based on the release codenames including Cheetah, Puma, Jaguar, Panther, Tiger, and Leopard.

Contrary to popular belief, the Mac OS X cat girl designs did not originate from the Nijiura boards at Futaba. It is also important to note that unlike the Futaba characters, there was never really any lore, personality or setting written for the Nijiura characters. This is only listing them and trying to write about them away.

Windows Characters


    Apple Characters