Sinco's OS-tan Wiki

Update 1 - Another OS-tan thing?

Yeah... another OS-tan thing. The idea hit me after I was working on the subreddit wiki and realised what I was writing started to become complex for something concise as I found more resources to use.

This means I need to be extremely blunt:

This wiki is a PERSONAL PROJECT which uses ALREADY EXISTING sources of information plus my OWN RESEARCH.

I know what I said may be rude or harsh, but I am stating this before anyone asks "why is there another wiki when we have two already". It is something I am doing for fun but also the fact there are OS-tans from both Futaba and +Nijiura+ who only have "fanfiction" written up about them when there is no "canon" info about them. Not every character is bound to have reliable information of them and we have to go by art alone.

Now that I have said this, I suggest reading the introduction and FAQ if you have not already.

Not all pages are complete, in fact you could say none are fully complete. What you see so far is basic info for now as I plan on digging into researching the art by artists later. I just wanted to get this section out of the way... so please remember that all pages are still logically a WIP.